Winner at the 2018 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. A fun, tongue-in-cheek story for readers of all ages, about the importance of saying no.
Mister Yes was quite accomplished and could do a lot of different and fun things. He knew how to make paper elephants that could wave their trunks, how to do the trick where you push needles through balloons without making them pop, but what he had never learned was to say “”no". If Mister Yes was offered ce cream made of hummingbird poop and slug slime he would eat the whole bowl, although he he didn't like it at all! When a salesman asked him to buy a tennis racket with no strings, he thought of refusing, but the word "no" did not come. And he knew that junk of a racket was useless! Mister Yes was very angry at himself because he kept doing things that he didn't feel like doing, simply because he couldn’t pronounce the word “NO!”. One day, though, an unexpected event forced him to shut his mouth and… REFUSE.
What about you, reader, do you answer with a "yes" when you would have wanted to say "no"? A fun story for all ages, about the importance of communication and assertiveness.
Ganador en los premios Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards en 2018. Una historia divertida, llena de trabalenguas, sobre la importancia de decir «no» cuando algo no nos apetece.
El señor Sí podía hacer un montón de cosas diferentes y divertidas. Podía fabricar elefantes de papel que movían la trompa, conocía el truco para atravesar globos con agujas de punto sin reventarlos, pero lo que nunca había aprendido era a decir no. Si al señor Sí le ofrecían helado de caca de colibrí y baba de babosa, él se lo comía entero, ¡y eso que no le gustaba nada! Cuando un vendedor le pidió que le comprase una raqueta sin cuerdas, él se quería negar, pero la palabra «no» no salía de sus labios. ¡Y eso que ese chisme no sirve para nada! El señor Sí estaba muy enfadado consigo mismo porque no paraba de hacer cosas que no le apetecían, simplemente por no saber decir «NO!». hasta que un día un hecho inesperado le obliga a cerrar la boca…
¿Y tú, lector, respondes con un «sí» cuando hubieses querido decir «no»? Una divertida historia para todas las edades, sobre la importancia de la comunicación y la asertividad.
- Price: €14,90
- Pages: 32
- ISBN: 9788416733354
- Format: Hardcover
- Language: spa
- Age: 4-8
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Peer Pressure
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Emotions & Feelings
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
“A valuable lesson not often offered to children, delivered with humor.” —Kirkus Reviews
“Rich in nuances and double readings, the funny text is accompanied by a collection of images that helps to immerse us in the daily life of the man who did not know how to say no. Humor, sweetness and funny tongue twisters.” —Canal Lector
"...As an older protagonist, Mr. Yes demonstrates that adults make mistakes, too, and that learning continues into adulthood. Gil (Kibo and the Purple Dragon) concludes with sly encouragement. Saying no, she points out, is a physical skill that can be learned: “Wrinkle up your nose and purse your lips, just like you’re going to give someone a kiss.” —Publishers Weekly
"Sometimes the smallest words are the hardest to say, and 'no' is downright impossible for the ever agreeable Mister Yes.(...) Gil delivers a humorous cautionary tale that unfolds through a creative mix of soft edges and sharp angles, encouraging children, teens and adults to speak honestly and with confidence." —Foreword Reviews
"Full-page illustrations evocative of surrealist art make this a visually unique picture book and an effective conversation starter about personal boundaries." —School Library Journal
9788416733354 Video
Winner at the 2018 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. A fun, tongue-in-cheek story for readers of all ages, about the importance of saying no.
Mister Yes was quite accomplished and could do a lot of different and fun things. He knew how to make paper elephants that could wave their trunks, how to do the trick where you push needles through balloons without making them pop, but what he had never learned was to say “”no". If Mister Yes was offered ce cream made of hummingbird poop and slug slime he would eat the whole bowl, although he he didn't like it at all! When a salesman asked him to buy a tennis racket with no strings, he thought of refusing, but the word "no" did not come. And he knew that junk of a racket was useless! Mister Yes was very angry at himself because he kept doing things that he didn't feel like doing, simply because he couldn’t pronounce the word “NO!”. One day, though, an unexpected event forced him to shut his mouth and… REFUSE.
What about you, reader, do you answer with a "yes" when you would have wanted to say "no"? A fun story for all ages, about the importance of communication and assertiveness.
Ganador en los premios Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards en 2018. Una historia divertida, llena de trabalenguas, sobre la importancia de decir «no» cuando algo no nos apetece.
El señor Sí podía hacer un montón de cosas diferentes y divertidas. Podía fabricar elefantes de papel que movían la trompa, conocía el truco para atravesar globos con agujas de punto sin reventarlos, pero lo que nunca había aprendido era a decir no. Si al señor Sí le ofrecían helado de caca de colibrí y baba de babosa, él se lo comía entero, ¡y eso que no le gustaba nada! Cuando un vendedor le pidió que le comprase una raqueta sin cuerdas, él se quería negar, pero la palabra «no» no salía de sus labios. ¡Y eso que ese chisme no sirve para nada! El señor Sí estaba muy enfadado consigo mismo porque no paraba de hacer cosas que no le apetecían, simplemente por no saber decir «NO!». hasta que un día un hecho inesperado le obliga a cerrar la boca…
¿Y tú, lector, respondes con un «sí» cuando hubieses querido decir «no»? Una divertida historia para todas las edades, sobre la importancia de la comunicación y la asertividad.
- Price: €14,90
- Pages: 32
- ISBN: 9788416733354
- Format: Hardcover
- Language: spa
- Age: 4-8
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Peer Pressure
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Emotions & Feelings
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
“A valuable lesson not often offered to children, delivered with humor.” —Kirkus Reviews
“Rich in nuances and double readings, the funny text is accompanied by a collection of images that helps to immerse us in the daily life of the man who did not know how to say no. Humor, sweetness and funny tongue twisters.” —Canal Lector
"...As an older protagonist, Mr. Yes demonstrates that adults make mistakes, too, and that learning continues into adulthood. Gil (Kibo and the Purple Dragon) concludes with sly encouragement. Saying no, she points out, is a physical skill that can be learned: “Wrinkle up your nose and purse your lips, just like you’re going to give someone a kiss.” —Publishers Weekly
"Sometimes the smallest words are the hardest to say, and 'no' is downright impossible for the ever agreeable Mister Yes.(...) Gil delivers a humorous cautionary tale that unfolds through a creative mix of soft edges and sharp angles, encouraging children, teens and adults to speak honestly and with confidence." —Foreword Reviews
"Full-page illustrations evocative of surrealist art make this a visually unique picture book and an effective conversation starter about personal boundaries." —School Library Journal