Gold Medal at the 2012 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. With lyrical, stirring text and stunning, evocative artwork, El cielo de Afganistán, offers a moving ode to dreamers, to peace, and to finding hope for ending war once and for all.
In a country ravaged by war, a girl looks up at the sky, closes her eyes and her imagination begins to soar, far away from hatred, from sadness. She flies up high, high above into the sky, until she envisions that long-awaited dream in which we all hold hands. She invites us to dream with her so that in her country, Afghanistan, peace may reign forever. Her dream is directed to all regions, she enters homes, homes, families, hearts.
An ode to peace that reminds us of the need to be supportive and tolerant.
Medalla de Oro en los Moonbeam Children's Book Awards en 2012. El cielo de Afganistán , un texto conmovedor con ilustraciones de ensueño, es una oda conmovedora a los soñadores, a la paz y a la esperanza de poner fin a la guerra de una vez por todas.
En un país destrozado por la guerra, una niña mira al cielo, cierra los ojos y su imaginación empieza a volar lejos, muy lejos del odio, de la tristeza. Se eleva más y más alto, hasta que visualiza ese sueño tan anhelado en el que todos nos damos la mano. Nos invita a soñar para que en su país, Afganistán, reine para siempre la paz. Su sueño se dirige a todas las regiones, se introduce en las casas, en los hogares, en las familias, en los corazones.
Un canto a la paz que nos recuerda la necesidad de ser solidarios y tolerantes.
- Price: €14,90
- Pages: 24
- Trim Size: 8.25 x 10.2 in
- ISBN: 9788415503002
- Format: Hardcover
- Language: spa
- Age: 4-8
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
JUVENILE FICTION / People & Places / Middle East
JUVENILE FICTION / School & Education
JUVENILE FICTION / Historical / Military & Wars
"Ardent advocacy for Afghan peace." —Kirkus Reviews
"In this glowing picture book translated from Spanish, a small Afghan girl dreams of peace. (…) True to a child’s experience, the story’s power is in the contrasts, and young children will recognize that the basic things they take for granted are missing in others’ daily lives." —Booklist
9788415503002 Video
Gold Medal at the 2012 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. With lyrical, stirring text and stunning, evocative artwork, El cielo de Afganistán, offers a moving ode to dreamers, to peace, and to finding hope for ending war once and for all.
In a country ravaged by war, a girl looks up at the sky, closes her eyes and her imagination begins to soar, far away from hatred, from sadness. She flies up high, high above into the sky, until she envisions that long-awaited dream in which we all hold hands. She invites us to dream with her so that in her country, Afghanistan, peace may reign forever. Her dream is directed to all regions, she enters homes, homes, families, hearts.
An ode to peace that reminds us of the need to be supportive and tolerant.
Medalla de Oro en los Moonbeam Children's Book Awards en 2012. El cielo de Afganistán , un texto conmovedor con ilustraciones de ensueño, es una oda conmovedora a los soñadores, a la paz y a la esperanza de poner fin a la guerra de una vez por todas.
En un país destrozado por la guerra, una niña mira al cielo, cierra los ojos y su imaginación empieza a volar lejos, muy lejos del odio, de la tristeza. Se eleva más y más alto, hasta que visualiza ese sueño tan anhelado en el que todos nos damos la mano. Nos invita a soñar para que en su país, Afganistán, reine para siempre la paz. Su sueño se dirige a todas las regiones, se introduce en las casas, en los hogares, en las familias, en los corazones.
Un canto a la paz que nos recuerda la necesidad de ser solidarios y tolerantes.
- Price: €14,90
- Pages: 24
- Trim Size: 8.25 x 10.2 in
- ISBN: 9788415503002
- Format: Hardcover
- Language: spa
- Age: 4-8
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
JUVENILE FICTION / People & Places / Middle East
JUVENILE FICTION / School & Education
JUVENILE FICTION / Historical / Military & Wars
"Ardent advocacy for Afghan peace." —Kirkus Reviews
"In this glowing picture book translated from Spanish, a small Afghan girl dreams of peace. (…) True to a child’s experience, the story’s power is in the contrasts, and young children will recognize that the basic things they take for granted are missing in others’ daily lives." —Booklist