Finalist at the 2019 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. Caged bird Finch will discover that the path to happiness is freedom, even if it comes with lurking dangers.
In this heart-pounding adventure, a young finch falls from his family’s nest, where he lived happily and was taken care of. Finch was the most beloved son in the whole world. Two humans, father and son, picked him up and put him in a cage to heal him. Although they were well-intentional people and only tried to help, Finch felt alone and abandoned caged between those cold bars, and missed the warmth of his home. However, he soon realized that the cage that traps him is also his shield and protects him from the countless dangers existing out there in the the nature, and more than once the cage saves him from being the supper of an odd wild animal. The next day, father and son offer the bird an an unexpected chance at freedom. Will Finch take it and choose to be free, even if the world is full of dangers?
Only when we experience the real world can we know our limits.
Finalista en los Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards 2019. Pinzón, un pajarito enjaulado, descubrirá que para ser realmente feliz hay que ser libres, aunque el peligro siempre esté al acecho.
El día que Pinzón cayó del nido fue uno de los más importante de su vida. En el nido la vida era tranquila, sus padres lo alimentaban y cuidaban de él, mientras que él se sentía el hijo más querido del mundo. Hasta que el árbol que custodiaba su casa se sacudió y Pinzón cayó al vacío. Un padre y un hijo lo recogieron y lo introdujeron en una jaula para cuidar de él. Aunque no tenían malas intenciones, Pinzón se sentía solo enjaulado entre esos barrotes fríos y extraña el calor de su hogar. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta que esa jaula que lo retiene también lo protege de los mil peligros que existen allí fuera, en plena naturaleza, y más de una vez se salva de ser la cena de uno que otro animal salvaje. Al día siguiente, padre e hijo ofrecen al pájaro una inesperada oportunidad: ser libre. ¿Elegirá Pinzón la libertad, aunque esté llena de peligros?
«Solo cuando experimentamos el mundo real podemos conocer nuestros límites».
- Price: €14,90
- Pages: 28
- ISBN: 9788416733514
- Format: Hardcover
- Language: spa
- Age: 4-8
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
JUVENILE FICTION / Lifestyles / Farm & Ranch Life
JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Farm Animals
JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Birds
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Emotions & Feelings
"The profound beauty of Federico Delicado's natural prints, with that style that only he knows how to impress on all his creations, dotted with hyper-realistic close-ups of the different types of birds, and the moving simplicity with which Sobrino has woven the story, both turn this little great adventure into a dazzling tale, with the makings of a classic, that will thrill children and adults alike." —Canal Lector
9788416733514 Video
Finalist at the 2019 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. Caged bird Finch will discover that the path to happiness is freedom, even if it comes with lurking dangers.
In this heart-pounding adventure, a young finch falls from his family’s nest, where he lived happily and was taken care of. Finch was the most beloved son in the whole world. Two humans, father and son, picked him up and put him in a cage to heal him. Although they were well-intentional people and only tried to help, Finch felt alone and abandoned caged between those cold bars, and missed the warmth of his home. However, he soon realized that the cage that traps him is also his shield and protects him from the countless dangers existing out there in the the nature, and more than once the cage saves him from being the supper of an odd wild animal. The next day, father and son offer the bird an an unexpected chance at freedom. Will Finch take it and choose to be free, even if the world is full of dangers?
Only when we experience the real world can we know our limits.
Finalista en los Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards 2019. Pinzón, un pajarito enjaulado, descubrirá que para ser realmente feliz hay que ser libres, aunque el peligro siempre esté al acecho.
El día que Pinzón cayó del nido fue uno de los más importante de su vida. En el nido la vida era tranquila, sus padres lo alimentaban y cuidaban de él, mientras que él se sentía el hijo más querido del mundo. Hasta que el árbol que custodiaba su casa se sacudió y Pinzón cayó al vacío. Un padre y un hijo lo recogieron y lo introdujeron en una jaula para cuidar de él. Aunque no tenían malas intenciones, Pinzón se sentía solo enjaulado entre esos barrotes fríos y extraña el calor de su hogar. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta que esa jaula que lo retiene también lo protege de los mil peligros que existen allí fuera, en plena naturaleza, y más de una vez se salva de ser la cena de uno que otro animal salvaje. Al día siguiente, padre e hijo ofrecen al pájaro una inesperada oportunidad: ser libre. ¿Elegirá Pinzón la libertad, aunque esté llena de peligros?
«Solo cuando experimentamos el mundo real podemos conocer nuestros límites».
- Price: €14,90
- Pages: 28
- ISBN: 9788416733514
- Format: Hardcover
- Language: spa
- Age: 4-8
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
JUVENILE FICTION / Lifestyles / Farm & Ranch Life
JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Farm Animals
JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Birds
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Emotions & Feelings
"The profound beauty of Federico Delicado's natural prints, with that style that only he knows how to impress on all his creations, dotted with hyper-realistic close-ups of the different types of birds, and the moving simplicity with which Sobrino has woven the story, both turn this little great adventure into a dazzling tale, with the makings of a classic, that will thrill children and adults alike." —Canal Lector