Manual de piratas (Pirate Handbook)

Manual de piratas (Pirate Handbook)


Winner at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards. ARRR! Jump aboard and discover everything you ever wanted to know about the crazy world of pirates in a fun-packed book full of illustrations and... Read More
Format: Hardcover
-2 in stock
Winner at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards. ARRR! Jump aboard and discover everything you ever wanted to know about the crazy world of pirates in a fun-packed book full of illustrations and... Read More

Winner at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards. ARRR! Jump aboard and discover everything you ever wanted to know about the crazy world of pirates in a fun-packed book full of illustrations and humor.

Ahoy, Me Hearties! Do you want to sail the seven seas and meet pirates from all over the world? Join our crew and experience what it feels like to be a true pirate. First, you must swear our oath of allegiance and honor:

The sea is your life,

The ship is your home.

Prepare yourself to become a true pirate and live a trip full of adventure and danger. Skulls, hooks, peg legs, a patch over one eye… Are you sure you have it in you to be a true pirate?

Anchors aweigh, young pirates! Blimey! This map surely leads to a secret treasure… Grab your spyglass and discover where the booty is!

Children who love silly adventures will be drawn into this comical handbook with fun interactive games and bright, colorful illustrations.

Ganador del International Latino Book Awards (2011). ¡ARRR! Sube a bordo y descubre todos los secretos del fantástico mundo de los piratas en un libro lleno de magia y de humor.

¡Alto ahí, camarada! ¿Estás listo para surcar los siete mares y conocer a todos los piratas del mundo? Únete a nuestra tripulación y descubrirás lo que significa ser un pirata de verdad. Primero de todo, debes pronunciar nuestro juramento pirata de lealtad y honor:

El mar es tu vida,

el barco tu hogar.

Prepárate para convertirte en un verdadero pirata y embarcarte en un viaje lleno de aventuras y diversión. Calaveras, garfios, patas de palo, parches en el ojo… ¿Estás seguro de tener lo que hace falta para ser todo un bucanero?

¡Levando anclas, pequeños piratas! ¡Rayos y centellas! Este mapa seguro que lleva a un tesoro secreto… ¡Coge tu catalejo y descubre dónde se encuentra el botín!

Un libro perfecto para todos esos niños que les encantan las aventuras, lleno de ilustraciones y juegos interactivos.

  • Price: €14,90
  • Pages: 34
  • Series: Manuales
  • Trim Size: 8.25 x 10.2 in
  • ISBN: 9788493781439
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Language: spa
  • Age: 4-8
  • BISACs:
    JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
    JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / Pirates
    JUVENILE FICTION / Imagination & Play
    JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Prejudice & Racism
    JUVENILE FICTION / Activity Books / General

“There is no point in hiding it: we love Mónica Carretero. Her Pirate Handbook is a colorful, sunny, very interesting picture book that illustrates what a pirate needs and what their oath is like.” —

Author and Illustrator Bio

Mónica Carretero was born in Madrid, but now lives happily in Segovia, where she draws colorful illustrations and writes books for children. She assures that her job makes her feel alive. A passion well depicted in her sunny drawings and original, cheerful characters.

She has illustrated dozens of books, games and posters for Spain, England, France, Korea, Australia and the United States. Since 2011, her work has been recognized on several occasions, being awarded at the London Book Fair, the Latino Book Awards in the United States and also in the BookExpo America.


9788493781439 Video

Winner at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards. ARRR! Jump aboard and discover everything you ever wanted to know about the crazy world of pirates in a fun-packed book full of illustrations and humor.

Ahoy, Me Hearties! Do you want to sail the seven seas and meet pirates from all over the world? Join our crew and experience what it feels like to be a true pirate. First, you must swear our oath of allegiance and honor:

The sea is your life,

The ship is your home.

Prepare yourself to become a true pirate and live a trip full of adventure and danger. Skulls, hooks, peg legs, a patch over one eye… Are you sure you have it in you to be a true pirate?

Anchors aweigh, young pirates! Blimey! This map surely leads to a secret treasure… Grab your spyglass and discover where the booty is!

Children who love silly adventures will be drawn into this comical handbook with fun interactive games and bright, colorful illustrations.

Ganador del International Latino Book Awards (2011). ¡ARRR! Sube a bordo y descubre todos los secretos del fantástico mundo de los piratas en un libro lleno de magia y de humor.

¡Alto ahí, camarada! ¿Estás listo para surcar los siete mares y conocer a todos los piratas del mundo? Únete a nuestra tripulación y descubrirás lo que significa ser un pirata de verdad. Primero de todo, debes pronunciar nuestro juramento pirata de lealtad y honor:

El mar es tu vida,

el barco tu hogar.

Prepárate para convertirte en un verdadero pirata y embarcarte en un viaje lleno de aventuras y diversión. Calaveras, garfios, patas de palo, parches en el ojo… ¿Estás seguro de tener lo que hace falta para ser todo un bucanero?

¡Levando anclas, pequeños piratas! ¡Rayos y centellas! Este mapa seguro que lleva a un tesoro secreto… ¡Coge tu catalejo y descubre dónde se encuentra el botín!

Un libro perfecto para todos esos niños que les encantan las aventuras, lleno de ilustraciones y juegos interactivos.

  • Price: €14,90
  • Pages: 34
  • Series: Manuales
  • Trim Size: 8.25 x 10.2 in
  • ISBN: 9788493781439
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Language: spa
  • Age: 4-8
  • BISACs:
    JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
    JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / Pirates
    JUVENILE FICTION / Imagination & Play
    JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Prejudice & Racism
    JUVENILE FICTION / Activity Books / General

“There is no point in hiding it: we love Mónica Carretero. Her Pirate Handbook is a colorful, sunny, very interesting picture book that illustrates what a pirate needs and what their oath is like.” —

Mónica Carretero was born in Madrid, but now lives happily in Segovia, where she draws colorful illustrations and writes books for children. She assures that her job makes her feel alive. A passion well depicted in her sunny drawings and original, cheerful characters.

She has illustrated dozens of books, games and posters for Spain, England, France, Korea, Australia and the United States. Since 2011, her work has been recognized on several occasions, being awarded at the London Book Fair, the Latino Book Awards in the United States and also in the BookExpo America.

9788493781439 Video